Optimize Your Investment Portfolio with Dividends

Learn how to build generational wealth for your family with practical, easy-to-understand dividend investment strategies from personal finance strategist George Pitts today.

Tired of chasing unrealistic payouts? Discover a smarter way to invest…

When building your investment portfolio, it’s natural to want to go for the home run. 

 Everybody wants to hit $10,000 a day profits and retire to a tropical beach somewhere. There are certainly a handful of skilled investors out there who have been able to do that, but let’s face it – if creating wealth overnight was that easy, everyone would do it. 

This works for some investors but others may not have the capital right now to get to that level or they may just not be in a position to be in front of a computer all day reading charts and waiting for their entry points. 

The good news? For investors with a bit of patience, there is a practical path towards sustainable long-term profits: dividends.

Build wealth that lasts through investment dividends.

In the Paychecks to Wealth online masterclass, students will receive a comprehensive crash course on everything dividend related, and unlock practical, actionable strategies for putting dividend investing to work for you. Over 8 self-paced modules with 20+ video tutorials, you will learn:

  • What dividends are and how they work…

  • The main differences between growth stocks & income stocks…

  • How to discover and analyze companies that pay dividends

  • Tips for breaking down corporate financial statements

  • How to pick stocks on your own and manage your portfolio

  • Long-term strategies that will help your children

Course Curriculum

And that’s just scratching the surface of what’s covered in this course. Check out the full breakdown below.

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome to Dividends to Wealth

    • How to use this course

  • 2

    Module 1: What are Dividends

    • What are Dividends

    • How to get Paid from Dividends

    • Don't Slip on the DRIP

    • Growth Stocks vs Dividend Stocks

  • 3

    Module 2: Analyzing a Company with Fundamental Analysis

    • Analyzing a Company's Income Statement

    • Analyzing a Company's Balance Sheet

    • Analyzing a Company's Cash Flow Statement

    • What is the PE Ratio

    • Review of Picking Stocks

    • Analyzing stocks with Qualitive Analysis

  • 4

    Module 3: Analyzing the Components of a Dividend

    • Intro to Analyzing a Dividend

    • Understanding The Dividend Yield

    • Calculating the Dividend Per Share

    • Analyzing the Dividend Payout Ratio

    • How to Analyze The Dividend Growth Rate

    • Dividend Payout History


    • 5 Reasons why you shouldn't invest solely on high dividends

    • Dividend Payday Breakdown

  • 5

    Module 4: Brokers to Purchase & Manage your Portfolio

    • 5 Brokers for Purchasing Stocks

    • Opening Your Broker Account

    • How to Buy or Sell a Stock

    • How to Search for Stocks Part 1

    • How to Search for Stocks Part 2

    • Stash Investing

  • 6

    Bonus Material #1 - 3 Sectors for High Dividend Yields

    • Introducing 3 High Dividend Sectors

    • Intro to Master Limited Partnership (MLPs)

    • Intro to Business Development Companies (BDCs)

    • Analyzing Business Development Compan

    • Intro to Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS)

    • Analyzing REITS

    • Screening & Analyzing REITS

    • Business Development Companies List

  • 7

    Bonus Material #2 - Intro to ETF Investing 101

    • What is an ETF

    • How do ETFs work

    • ETFs vs Mutual Funds

    • Analyzing ETFs Part 1

    • Analyzing ETFs Part 2

    • Analyzing ETFs Part 3

  • 8

    Bonus Material #3 Dividend Resources

    • Business Development Companies (LEGIT HIGH DIVIDENDS) - Full Business Development Company List

    • George's All Start Dividends list - Dividend Contentders 10+ Years Increased Dividend

    • Dividend Champions lIst - Dividend Aristocrats 25+ Years S&P 500

    • George's Dividend All Stars List - Dividend Champtions Increased 25+ Years Dividend

    • George's All Start Dividend 50 Year - Dividend Kings 50+ Years Increased Dividend

  • 9

    Bonus #4 How to Buy Gold & Silver

    • How to Buy Gold & Silver MasterClass

  • 10

    Bonus #5 How to Buy OLD US Currency

    • How to Buy US Currency

  • 11

    Next Steps

    • Closing & Next Steps

Tap into the most overlooked investment strategy on the planet

Buying stock in companies that pay a dividend means you get paid just for having your money invested in the company – this might not make you rich overnight but it will deliver consistent returns for your family over time. Rather than alternating between half court shots and 3 pointers, investing with dividends is like consistently hitting your jump shot all over the court. The longer you do it, the more income you will generate over time. This is the blueprint on how we build generational wealth for our children’s children

Key Course Takeaways

  • Develop Foundational Knowledge

    Learn about Real Estate Investment Trusts, Master Limited Partnerships, Business Development Companies, and more.

  • Build Your Own Stock Portfolio

    Social media picks from “experts” can only take you so far. Learn how to identify opportunities and pick your own winners.

  • Prepare Your Family for the Future

    Discover how to use dividends to build an income-generating portfolio for your retirement and your children’s future.


George Pitts

George Pitts is a certified business coach and personal finance strategist from Oklahoma. Rather than adding to the internet’s abundance of get rich quick schemes, George focuses exclusively on practical, action-oriented wealth-generating vehicles.

Whether working as an instructor, coach, or strategist, George believes that investing is a marathon, not a sprint. Patience, knowledge, and due diligence are worth their weight in gold.

“Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.”

- Proverbs 13

Start building your wealth with dividends today.

Gain a lifetime’s worth of practical dividend knowledge and actionable investing strategies for just $197. Start planning for the future today.