Turn Online Courses into Passive Income and Long-Term Profit

Learn how to launch and monetize a digital course with The Course Creation Masterclass. Get step-by-step training and expert advice from an experienced online entrepreneur that knows what it takes to earn passive income.

There has never been a better time to be a student…

Twenty years ago, if you wanted to learn from an expert you had to apply to a school or training program, jump through a series of hoops, then pay through the teeth for the privilege. Today, all you need to learn is internet access and a few bucks to spare.

There are online courses that cover just about everything, from cooking and salsa dancing to tax prep and wealth management. Access to information is no longer restricted by geographical location, exorbitant tuition fees, or arbitrary gatekeepers.

It’s a great time to learn, but it’s also a great time to teach.

If someone in Texas wants to learn how to build a snowman, they need access to someone in Alaska with a series of video tutorials to help out. You might not know much about snowmen, but if you know something about anything then you have what it takes to create a successful online course.

If you’ve worked in accounting for 20 years you can teach about taxes…

If you’re in a band you can teach guitar chord progressions on YouTube…

If you earn money on Instagram, you can teach others to follow your path…

The specifics of your expertise don’t matter

The Course Creation Masterclass shows you how to turn your expertise into passive online income.

This online masterclass was designed to help business owners turn valuable insights into passive income. Online courses have exploded in popularity over the past few years and show no signs of slowing down. Through 9 video tutorial modules containing over [x] hours of exclusive content, successful online course entrepreneur George Pitts will provide you with a step-by-step pathway to success. Topics covered include:

  • Topic Selection

  • Course Prep & Outlining

  • Understanding Your Role

  • Building Lesson Modules

  • Course Planning and Pricing

  • And so much more. Take a look at the full content breakdown below.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from the instructor

    • How to use this course

    • The Course Creation Workbook

  • 2

    Module 1: Picking Your Course Topic

    • Picking the right course topic

    • The Content Course Topic Strategy

    • The BS Course Topic

    • The Survey Course Topic Strategy

    • Picking Course Topic Review

  • 3

    Module 2: How to mentally prepare for course

    • The 4 types of Learners

    • what's not your job involving the course

    • What is your job involving the course

    • Course preparation review

  • 4

    Module 3: Outlining Your Course

    • How to outline your course introduction

    • How to outline course process

    • Outline Course Review

  • 5

    Module 4: Building Your Course Modules

    • Building Your Course Module

    • Building Course Modules Part 2

    • Bonus Modules

    • Building Course Modules Review

  • 6

    Module 5: How to Create Content around your course

    • Content Creation

    • Warming up your audience with your content

    • Warming up your audience partt 2

    • Content Review

  • 7

    Module 6: Picking Your Course Name & Pricing

    • Picking a Course Name

    • Deciding on Course Price

    • The KISS Pricing Method

    • The Hourly Pricing Method

    • The Competition Pricing Method

    • Module Review: Pricing Methods

  • 8

    Module 7: Recording & Hosting Your Courses

    • Recording Your Courses

    • Recording Course Video Walkthrough

    • Course Hosting Platforms

    • Course Hosting with Gumroad

    • Course hosting with Thinkific

    • Equipment for Recording Courses

    • Presentation Alternatives (Canva)

    • Presentation Alternative (Google Slides)

    • Website link to course hosting platforms

  • 9

    Next Steps & Resources

    • More resources for you

    • Course Presentation Template

    • The Digital Products Worksheet

    • The Digital Product Pricing Worksheet

    • Email Marketing Worksheet

    • The Digital Product Title Worksheet

The online earning landscape has changed – are you keeping up?

Having a profitable YouTube channel, Instagram profile, or e-commerce store is a great way to earn online income, but if you aren’t packaging your knowledge into a course you could be leaving thousands of dollars on the table (if not more). Online courses were popular pre-pandemic, but they have exploded in popularity during COVID-19, and provide business owners with significant ROI. Creating a course requires a lot of work in the early stages, but once everything is set up, it can be a consistent source of near-effortless, passive profits.

Key Course Takeaways

  • Monetize Existing Skills and Talents

    If you have insights worth sharing, you’ve already got the hard part checked off. This course teaches you how to make the most of your talents through online courses.

  • Work Smarter, Not Harder

    Unlike most digital businesses, an online course requires very little maintenance and upkeep to generate profits, as most of the content is pre-recorded.

  • Take Advantage of Growing Trends

    Online courses are exploding in popularity – if you don’t get your foot in the door and establish a presence quickly in your niche, your closest competitors will

Meet Your Instructor

George Pitts

George Pitts is a certified business coach and personal finance strategist with [x] successful online courses under his belt. Rather than promising the world with empty get-rich-quick schemes.

George has developed a practical, no-filler, action-oriented approach that he applies to all his courses, including this one.

Success is a marathon, not a sprint – by putting the work in today, we can all enjoy a prosperous tomorrow.

Ready to get started on your course?

High-ROI passive income is just a few clicks away. Learn how to monetize your existing talents and skills with The Course Creation Masterclass today.